Carb Up! 9 High Carb Foods That Pack a Nutritional Punch

People usually criticise a group of foods called carbs, but the real fact is that they are vital for the proper functioning of our body and the energy that is needed to feel good. Fortunately, plenty of top-notch high-carb foods have been blessed with incredible nutritional benefits that are not only delicious but also healthy.

1. Sweet Potatoes: Vitamins, minerals and fibre complete the natural pit of sweet potatoes that makes it a wonderful and nutritious carb choice.

2. Quinoa: This mother grain is considered a complete protein and it contains fibre as well as iron and magnesium and it is considered box of health.

3. Oats: When rich in fibre and antioxidants, these superfoods are considered a great choice of carb. It is an excellent source of heart-healthy food contributing to healthy hearts.

4. Bananas: Abundant in potassium and vitamin B6, bananas get the status as a snack on the go because they not only are nutritious but also convenient and portable, which provides a speedy source of energy.

5. Lentils: Lentils which are high in healthy carbs, fibres, protein and several other nutrients are good blood sugar stabilizers and provide satisfaction along with supporting healthy digestion.

6. Brown Rice: Unlike polished white rice, brown rice retains its nutritious husk and germ layer, containing fibre among others.

7. Chickpeas: The chickpea is a key ingredient in many culinary creations and includes proteins, fibre, and folates - this readily endorses you to include them in your salads, soups, and stews.

8. Whole Grain Bread: Instead of white bread, go for whole wheat to enjoy the benefit of fibre, vitamins, and minerals among others.

9. Beets: These vibrant root veggies have a lot of antioxidants, fibre, and vitamin nutrients; therefore, they make a good source of carbs with a delicate taste and many health benefits.

Implementing these calorie-rich carbs into your diet will also enhance your health by providing all the energy to enable the body to thrive. If it's about sweet potatoes or lentils, be sure that you're never short on a great variety of tasteful, healthy options to select from. For so long, carbs have been demonised as the contributing factor to weight gain. However, incorporated wisely in a meal plan, they can do wonders for your body. So, go ahead, carb up and enjoy!

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